

lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017

A Cool game cube over the years!

Today is november the 20th of 2017 and I still play the game cube... why? 'cause the console is still working and I didn't end gestalt circles ( i mean i did not finish some games). I and in the other hand I wanna play some good games! 

So right now I'm playing these games! 
1) Luigi's mansion: what great game I feel kinda sorry that I didn't finish this game... but c'mon back in the day I was a student of psychology! I didn't have time to play all the games!! =S but thanks for the good memories and from bring them back again! 

#2) Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time: master quest! well i know what are you thinking right now! that this is a nintendo 64 game! but let me explain! I didn't finish properly this game... because when everybody was playing Zelda in the nintendo 64, I was playing castlevania symphony of the night in my sega saturn! sooo I have to complete this circle!!.  

#3) Ikarugaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! I can't with this fucking gameeeeeeee!! is so difficult!! =S

#4) Metroid prime 2 (I have to finish this game)  this game is not gonna beat me! I love the prime saga! but I did not finish this game 'cause of the university duties... soo I have to beat it!

#5) Smash bros melee!! I never quit playing! I keep fighting ! brawling! drinking with my mates all these years ! I not gonna stop playing this game rule!

domingo, 12 de noviembre de 2017

Drill Man! & la industria del porn

Drill Man ese robot enemigo de Megagay (mega man) se quedo sin jale despuès de la cuarta entrega de megaman... el Dr. Cossack no le dio jale y el Dr. Willy no le dejo trabajar con èl puesto que sus estudios no iban a doc a las investigaciones del academico mencionado... 

Lo que se supo del robot Drill Man es que andaba perforando en Cananea para una mina canadiense... pero empezo a colapasar por los fuertes quìmicos que despiden los jales de las minas... como todo un geòlogo de la Unversidad de Sonora lo tiraban como carne de cañòn, para hacer mineria de exploraciòn y encontrar materiales radiactivos y por supuesto si ve sin querer por ahi el coltan (el oro negro) mucho mejor.

Lo ùltimo que se supo es que andaba perforando a una actriz llamada Alexis Texas por Metroid y le daban mejor sueldo que en la mina... posteriormente se le vio por las montañas de Hitomi Tanaka haciendo maniobras Russas o Sovieticas.
No se sabe su actual paradero...